Have you ever taken the time to stop and read all those big, bright, yellow signs posted around the Chicopee property? If you have, you’re likely aware that one of those signs (posted in many areas) is the Alpine Responsibility Code. A variation of this “code of conduct” is used by most ski area associations around the world. The Alpine Responsibility Code posted and followed at Chicopee is used by all ski hills in the Ontario Snow Resort Association.
You can think of the Alpine Responsibility Code as the “rules of the road” for skiing/snowboarding. It also serves as a way for (Ski) Patrol to promote safety and injury prevention on the hill. There are many elements of risk associated with skiing and snowboarding that can be mitigated with common sense and personal awareness. Being familiar with, and following the Alpine Responsibility code can help keep yourself and others around you safe.
Let’s take a closer look at the 10 items listed on the Alpine Responsibility Code.
The Golden Rule (#1): Always stay in control. You must be able to stop, or avoid people or objects. Being in control, able to stop and avoid collisions with other people and obstacles is key to keeping the hills safe for everyone.
#2: People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them. It is your responsibility to avoid those riding ahead of you, which coincidentally only works if you are in control (see The Golden Rule above!).
#3: Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic. This one is key to not getting hit from behind. This one is common sense, never stop in a sharp turn, under a jump, or anywhere where skiers/snowboarders behind you cannot see you. If they can’t see you, they potentially won’t be able to stop before colliding with you.
#4: Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail. This is similar to traffic on the streets, before you pull out onto the road – make sure there’s no one coming! This is similar to rule #2 and is there to prevent collisions.
#5: You must prevent runaway equipment. Skis have ski-brakes and snowboarders should fasten their boards with a leash/leg strap. Runaway equipment hurts at the bottom of the hill!
#6: Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazards markings. Signs around the resort are always posted for a reason, we have warning signs for varied terrain and signs that indicate the difficulty of the terrain. Its always best to choose the difficulty you’d like to ride rather than be forced down a hill you’re uncomfortable on!
#8: Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas. If a run is closed – it’s for a good reason. There might not be enough snow, or the conditions could be unsafe.
#9: Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs. Lifts are unforgiving and dangerous (ever been hit in the back of the leg getting on? It can hurt and throw your balance right off!). Skiing and snowboarding can also be dangerous. Impaired judgement often leads to bad decisions and possibly injuries. Save the fun for après ski!
#10: If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.
Following the Alpine Responsibility Code and knowing your personal limits is the best way to keep skiing and snowboarding safe and enjoyable for everyone. Everyone participating has the same goal, to have FUN! Be aware, and ride with care.